Nearest Tube to Selfridges
The nearest London Underground Railway Tube Station is Bond Street not Oxford Circus. Because Selfridges Department Store's address is 400 Oxford Street, many tourists and locals believe that Oxford Circus Tube Station is the nearest. They are very disappointed to find that they have a long walk fighting through the packed crowds of shoppers and visitors to get to their destination. Marble Arch like Bond Street Tube Station is on the Central line. That is the railway line shown in red on the London Underground map. Bond Street has better connectivity as it is also on the Jubilee Line. That underground railway line is shown in grey on the tube map.

This is the London Underground Tube famous sign for Bond Street Railway Station
Bond Street Tube Station has two entrances that exit onto Oxford Street. One goes through the West One Shopping complex that is partially subterranean. That is the photograph below on the right. The other exit is faster as it is devoid of any shops or fast food outlets. That is the exit shown on the left. As you leave either of them and step into Oxford Street you want to turn to your left. Selfridges is about 100 yards down Oxford Street on your right. You cannot miss the shop as it has large imposing vertical neo-classical columns on its exterior frontage.

These are the two Tube Station exits for Bond Street Underground station that come out in Oxford Street
It can be confusing when you are in an underground railway station trying to work out which of the many exits to take. Once you have come through the ticket control barriers in Bond Street station, look up towards your left. In the roof you will see directional signs. Look for the sign that says Exit 1 Oxford Street. Go in that direction. As you get near the street level you will see another sign stuck on the wall that tells you which way to walk when you step into Oxford Street. Both these signs are shown below in the photographs. You want to turn left heading towards Marble Arch.

These are the signs you should be looking for in Bond Street Tube Station