Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge book?

The photograph below shows the original and new book covers for author Lindy Woodhead's book called "Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge" based on the life of Harry Gordon Selfridge. The new paperbacked version of the book with the photograph from the ITV period drama Mr Selfridge was first published in 2012. The original book was published in 2007 by and first editions are becoming valiable.

The original and the new book covers for Shopping Seduction and Mr Selfridge book by Lindy Woodhead.

The original and the new book covers for Shopping Seduction and Mr Selfridge book by Lindy Woodhead

You can still buy an Aaridged version of a book on retail business actually written by Harry Gordon Selfridge. it is called "Mr. Selfridge's Romance of Commerce - An abridged version of the classic text on Business and Life". It is published by Adamsmedia, Avon, Massachusetts but you can find it on Amazon. It was originally published in 1918 by John Lane Company. There is a Harry Gordon Selfridge quote at the front of the book that says "We are all merchants and all races of men have been merchants in some form or another". This is followed on the next page by "Commerce, that mother of riches and power, which is ready to give a share of them to the merchant who comes to her with determination, with sound principles, with judgment and courage". At the time it was published it was filled with new thoughts about how society works, business and leadership. harry Selfridges words inspired many people and the book includes powerful aphorisms like "To work is elevatin. To accomplish is superb.", "A great department store must always depend vitally upon its staff" and the most famous one of all "The customer is always right". many of his ideas changed the lives of businesswomen and businessmen everywhere.

Mr. Selfridge's Romance of Commerce: An abridged version of the classic text on business and life by Harry Gordon Selfridge

Mr. Selfridge's Romance of Commerce: An abridged version of the classic text on business and life by Harry Gordon Selfridge was first published in 1918